Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bipolar Youths' Misreading of Faces May be Risk Maker for Illness

Science we have had talked about bipolar during class I decided to check out articles about Bipolar. This article is about National Institute of Mental Health researchers have discovered youngsters with pediatric bipolar and healthy shows who first degree relatives with bipolar disorder has the same difficulty labeling facial emotions. Also scientist suggest that the reason of the facial emotion recognition impairment could be part of an inherited predisposition to the illness. Check out this article and  I would like to here your common.


Amanda said...

To people without disabilities things are taken for granted, such as being able to recognize when someone's face says that they are happy, sad, angry, etc. I find it odd and interesting that bipolar children can't distinguish between facial emotions. Like I have said before, the brain is an amazing thing, and people should take these people into consideration when they complain about their own lives.

Cat said...

Bipolar Disorder is a really serious thing, but I know a lot of people who just say they have it when they are really just moody. It's really annoying. Like my cousin, she sucks.

DaniOh said...

I think I once heard that you are bipolar if your actions actually affect your social life. But who says what "affects" and what not? I mean who draws the line?