Monday, May 5, 2008

Blind Adaption

Individuals who have been blind for many years, it is interesting to see their mental adaptions as a result of this imposition. Now of course because the individual is now blinded they respond strongly to touch. Within the brain, touch seems to no stimulate sight for them. An experiment was given to a normal girl who was no blind, she was blindfolded for a week. By the end of the week, when tested, touch began to take the place of sight. He brain was now conforming to fit thsi limitation. Our brain is thus adapting itself to make up for the limitation in one area. Once removed, her sight resumed, and everything balanced itself once again. One area is building upon another.


linnea said...

Their was a season of America's top model, where one of the contestants was going to become legally blind in a year or two, but she still wanted to persue her dream of being a top model. She didnt win - but her braveness was compelling to watch

linnea said...
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certified"BITCHES"2008 (its our year) said...

I wonder if someone is blind if all the sense get stronger. What will happen when the surgery for the eyes is fixed.