Monday, February 9, 2009


After my high school graduation we had a Senior Sleepover, where a hypnotist performed his work on a few students. It is always the most anticipated part of the night because everyone had heard stories from the previous graduating class.

The people who were on stage 'performed' as different characters and imaginary roles. One kid seemed to be under the impression he was Brittney Spears - another couldn't seem to remember the number seven, as he counted to ten and even when he was asked questions like how many days are in the week.

Much of the audience was skeptical, some were believers... Nonetheless it was entertaining!

I still wonder about how the whole thing works. I'm not sure that I believe everything I saw, yet I cannot imagine my classmates being able to pull off an act so convincingly. I thought it was interesting that the crowd who voluntarily went under hypnosis were mostly kids in Drama and Acting. It adds to the thought that they were 'acting' rather than just 'being' while hypnotized. On the other hand, having the courage to get up on stage in front of a few hundred people knowing you might do something uncomfortable and embarrasing, would seem to come more natural to the Drama kids.

1 comment:

SHaKiEra said...

I agree with you when you said that the experiment was entertaining. Im not quite sure how this works but it is extremely interesting. Ive heard that certain hypnosis works but Im not fully aware of the actual procedure and what during the procedure has the biggest effect on the victim. When you said that most of the students that volunteered to be hypnotized were dramatic students It made me think that they were acting instead of actually being honest.