Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Negative Optimism

I've been told multiple times to think positively, and have always wondered if thinking positively is actually a good thing.  From my experience, thinking "negatively" keeps me on my toes, helps me to keep up with my school work, and keeps me motivated.  For example, if I think to myself, "if you don't go to the studio for at least eight hours this week, then your paintings will suffer as well as your grade", then I find myself getting the work done.  I have a hunch that thinking "you will be the most wonderful painter in the world if you go to the studio for eight hours this week!" wouldn't have such an efficient effect.  

            "Seeking a Cure for Optimism" discusses whether or not thinking positively can make you happier, and or healthier.  There is a big difference between thinking positively and actually being happy, Barbara L. Fredrickson, a psychology professor said "Positive thinking can sometimes lead to positive emotion, but it won't always."  She compares it to wearing a T-shirt that say's "Life is Good" and actually feeling grateful for your current circumstances.  Studies have shown that a positive mood promotes creativity, and cooperation, while a negative mood triggers more attentive, careful thinking.  

            Thinking positively, and thinking negatively both have their set-backs and benefits.  Like Barbara Ehrenrech, who encourages  “trying to see the world not colored by our wishes or fears, but by reality,” I think its best to live in reality, not to force oneself into thinking positively, nor to dwell on the negative.  

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