Sunday, February 20, 2011

Innocence vs the guilty

       The article is taken from an adaptation from a Journal provided by Iowa State University and basically this articles speaks about why innocent suspects commit to a crime which is pretty much the title of the article. Studies have shown that people don't want to go through all that interrogating and involvement with the cops and law, so inorder to just deal with it faster, the best thing to do is to confess and get it over with.
    "And why would anyone want to commit to a crime?" Experiments were taken at ISU to come to a conclusion why people do admit to a crime, etc. So the first experiment they got 81 (38 women, 43 men) ISU psychology undergraduates where they had to just answer questions pretaining to previous crimes they committed. So they were paired with choices, one, having to answer different long questions and two, having to meet with an officer. People went with the first choice. The second experiment was about the same, except they interviewed 143 (93 women, 50 men) ISU psychology undergraduates and this time they reversed the choices so basically choice one had to do with answering to the cops and the second was answering a numerous amount of questions. Both the times, the people chose the option of answering the questions instead of speaking to the cops. This shows fear of authority. They would rather speak the truth and get this out of the way cause they know that they will probably get into way more trouble if they were to lie and get caught with the law.
     Also, one could lie to a person but one cannot lie to the police. This is where the play of hierarchy comes in, fear of the higher power. Let's take a child for example, if a child were to break something, he would hide it from his parent, but once the question is asked, 'Where did my vase go?' The child will probably shake his head at first, but in the end confess inorder to avoid some severe beating. This goes for all ages, No matter a child, an adolescent or an adult, no body wants to be treated with brutal force, so everyone always tries to take the easier way out.

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