Monday, February 14, 2011

A Snapshot of a Generation

In this article by Benedict Carey, general social changes are brought into question. Is it possible to generalize a whole generation to say that they are facing similar personality changes? It is a difficult task. Arguments raised suggested that a majority of those being studied are college students which already greatly narrows the scope of the research.

The findings at hand suggested that the general population is becoming more narcissistic and assure of their competence. In the past, it was more important for people to pay attention to social changes but in today's world of job struggles and economy problems it is no surprise to me that it has become much more of an "every man and woman for themselves" type of world. The study suggested that women in particular were undergoing more drastic changes in this direction. Once again, I don't find this to be much of a surprise taking gender roles in the workplace into consideration. Self importance is a desirable characteristic that tends to make others take you more seriously.

The image of ourselves that we project is generally reflected to us from those we interact with. You have to believe that you are capable before others will see you as such.

Whether or not the "snapshot" they took of the generation is true or not.. The conclusions they came to are both plausible and probable.

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