Saturday, March 2, 2013


The biases you don't know you have by Susan David, explains how we quickly judge another persons behavior based on biases we are unaware of. Rather then considering why someone behaved a certain way and the environmental conditions that influenced their decisions we automatically assume the worst. This is called “Fundamental Attribution Error” or correspondence bias which explains how people tend to take situations based on face value instead of looking for alternate explanations. There are four ways in which we can make these bad judgments.
The first is not fully understanding someones situation. We don’t know the pressure and external factors which may influence someones decision. Second is having unrealistic expectations of someone. Putting someone on a higher pedestal or not knowing what it is like to be in their situation can easily alter our opinion. Such as saying you would act differently if you were in their place without ever being in that position. Third is exaggeration of someones behavior because you have background knowledge and your reading into every detail of their actions. Lastly is failing to correct our initial judgments about someone. Since we are so busy in our everyday lives we fail to correct the first impressions we have of people once we get to know them.
In response to this we should leave room for possibility when we don’t fully understand how a situation came about.

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