Monday, May 3, 2010

Art Therapy

I believe Art is one of good ways to express your feelings. Whenever I've had to do an art painting/project, I usually look at other artworks that have similar feelings or taste as I have. For me, the best method is to express my feelings on a canvas and let go of any bad feelings. I pick colors depending on my mood like a mood ring. Colors like black and blues are usually if I'm not in a good mood or sad, and other cool colors usually represents the good feelings. It relieves stress when working on something without having to think about bad feelings. If you have a lot of things on your mind, it won't make you forget about it but you'll be able to handle stress a lot easier.
Similar to my method, with help of Art Therapists, art therapy helps patients express themselves and work through mental health issues using this process of the usage of colors and patterns. It is part of the treatment plan to help patients learn to discover the emotions and thoughts that is not seen through words and the effects that it may have on their mental wellness. An art therapist may use a variety of art methods like drawing, painting, sculpture and collage with clients ranging from all ages. Clients who went through any sort of trauma and/or physical and mental abuse or illnesses can benefit from showing their true colors and expressions through creative art therapy. There are now many facilities and organizations were these programs are available for those who need art therapy.
I think art therapy is a stress reliever and also good for those to express any feelings that they could not express through words. With art therapist helping them, they will be able to express feelings better while enjoying work of art.

1 comment:

Yoon said...

I strongly agree to your opinion. Art therapy is working in both passive and active mode, in a way of expressing our feelings. It is not only the best way that we can express our feelings out but also it allows people to release stresses, relax and appreciate with. The article I found is a story about the Art Therapy connection to kids. In the article,the story of 9years boy tells us how the art therapy helps kids, such as releasing and making them feel better. For example, his mother was in prison and he had no opportunity to learn or experienced the normal life. However after few months he treated by art therapist, he is finally able to express his thoughts, feeling and not droping out from school. He could defuse the angry feeling towards parents or the society.
Following the article, art therapy connection helps them through many different programs such as Mask-Making and Mandala.For me, masking play was mostly makes sense that dragging kids' hidden feeling by making a shape of their feeling with mask. It could interpreted as their another face or facial emotion. I think it is very interesting but also very effective. Children are able to build their self-esteem, self-expression and self-control through therapy connections. I love kids and planned to study art/music therapy after graduation.
It is such a great idea to deal kids with art and music and release their negative feelings. It truly works and I'd love to study more.
