Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Exactly do You Look At?

What draws your eye when you look at an an advertisement. In a society where, even in the first 10 minutes after you wake up, you are inundated by brand names and advertisements; what actually catches your eye?

James Breeze, CEO of UsableWorld, did an experiment to find out that exact answer. In the experiment he attached a eye-tracking camera to each participant and then showed them different advertisements. The results showed where each participant looked and for how long their gaze remained in a single area. His results, while not full-proof by any means, showed that faces, and in particular eyes, would be the first and most looked at area of an advertisement. While that seems like fairly common sense (we don't look at each other's feet when we talk to each other-at least probably not since 6th grade), what was also interesting was if the face in the advertisement was looking somewhere other than the viewer, the participant would attempt to follow the face's gaze.

I've also attached two photos from the study that show an advertisement with a face looking towards the viewer as well as an advertisement with a face looking towards the headline. I highly recommend at least looking through the website to see his results as they do have some importance when considering our advertisement plastered world.

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