Monday, April 9, 2012

Autism: It’s Not Just in the Head

Autism: It’s Not Just in the Head

I found this article on the site call "Discover Magazine". The article is about discoveries that autism may be triggered not only in the brain, but in the environment, food, or like allergens. The article quotes many professional people's statements and researches and properly cited or linked to valid sources. The article leans towards scientific evidences and vision to future possible cure for autism by giving newly discovered researches about autistic people's immune system, daily environment, early development in fetuses, and genetic. All suggest that brain function is not the only trigger to autism and finding other causes and the right treatment improves the condition more dramatically. Every patient is different due to his/her physical/biological complex therefore they response to the environment differently. Researches also showed that there might be an increase of autism population due to industrial revolution because of the toxic chemical in the environment and it may be impairing the brain development of children around the entire world. Moreover, mutation, or different diseases may be happening. The toxic in the body may be triggering the disease and some case studies show that by changing diet improves function drastically. Since autism is a disorder triggered by so many pathways, collecting more researches may lead a way to solving the puzzle of more than only autism, but other disorders.

Some good quotes fromt he article:

Herbert, a Harvard pediatric neurologist says, “What I believe is happening is that genes and environment interact, either in a fetus or young child, changing cellular function all over the body, which then affects tissue and metabolism in many vulnerable organs. And it’s the interaction of this collection of troubles that leads to altered sensory processing and impaired coordination in the brain. Each child’s path to autism may be distinct, she says, but they may share common inflammatory abnormalities. She has shown through morphometric brain imaging that white matter—which carries impulses between neurons—is larger in children with autism.“Patients with autism report lots of immunological problems.If it happens early, it could dramatically influence brain many autistic kids have a history of food and airborne allergies, or 20 or 30 ear infections, or eczema, or chronic diarrhea.”

Lisa Beck, of Oviedo, Florida, tells a similar story. Her son Joshua was diagnosed with autism in 2004 at about age 2. After 18 intensive months of treatment that involved chelation—a treatment that draws heavy metals out of the body—and dietary changes, among other therapies, Josh appears neurotypical. “We took him to Dr. Leslie Gavin, a specialist at Nemours Children’s Clinic, who administers the ADOS test, a diagnostic test to see where on the spectrum a child falls,” she says. “After the two-hour evaluation, Gavin said he did not meet the criteria for autism. In her words, he was ‘responsive, curious, and active, able to engage in the test without a problem, able to express himself clearly.’ ”

The article leans towards scientific evidences and vision to future possible cure for autism by giving newly discovered researches about autistic people's immune system, daily environment, early development in fetuses, and genetic. All suggest that brain function is not the only trigger to autism and finding other causes and the right treatment improves the condition more dramatically. More importantly, every patient is different due to his/her physical/biological complex and should not be treated with the same technique. Researches also showed that there might be an increase of autism population due to industrial revolution because of the toxic chemical in the environment and it may be impairing the brain development of children around the entire world. Moreover, mutation, or different diseases may be happening.

“For weeks after Kyle stopped drinking milk, he had welts all over his body,” Erin recalls, “as if he were going through a detoxification reaction. At the same time, he had his first formed, regular bowel movements. His sleep improved.”

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