Monday, February 28, 2011

Procrastion, in the mind of the creative.

  Procrastination has always been a person's worst nightmare, and it's something that us, as college kids confess we do often. Not all like to work under a tight deadline but for the rest of the majority that's how they get things done. A lot of people that whom I know of agreed that they like to work under stress and that they accomplish more. When asked why, they said they feel that if they started work casually days before, they tend to procrastinate more and not get anything done until the last minute anyways so why start early if they get more done later than sooner?
  That's what this article speaks about, and I caught my mind since it referred to the 'creative' mind like artists. Since going to an art school and knowing alot of people and myself who are in this position, it was extremely interesting to read and also to know that's true. The article basically speaks about how artists take chaos and turn it into creativity. Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers, The Story of Successcomments, “Anyone who is in a creative space…you have to reverse the normal human tendency, which is to edit.  Creative people…their brains are messy. Their imaginations are messy." 

 It was interesting to read that cause I can relate to it all the time. My mind only works when it's a last minute homework or project. I guess the fact that it is a deadline and your mind already knows that you have to have this much work done by this amount of time, it acts accordingly. The more the pressure the better my tendency to get things done. 

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