Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phantom Limbs More Common Than Previously Thought

Phantom Limb Syndrome is the phenomena that often occurs when a patient can still feel their amputated arm or leg. As Dr. Ramachandran proved, this mindset can be cured through a method known as the mirror box. However, doctors say they are now being presented with a different problem. A recent study shows that more than half of patients that have experienced a stroke may experience symptoms of phantom limb syndrome. After interviewing fifty stroke patients, twenty-seven of them experienced things such as feeling as if their arm was in a different position or feel as if their toes were wiggling when they in fact were not.
This form of Phantom Limb Syndrome appears to be more complicated due to the fact that it cannot be remedied through the mirror box. Yet, Dr. Antoniello states that some patients are able to control their phantom limbs. I am skeptical as to how the phantom limbs can be controlled when the limbs are actually there but cannot when they have been amputated. I believe that if the stroke patients are able to remedy themselves, then the amputees must be able too as well. This means that although Dr. Ramachandran's Mirror Box method is effective, it may not be necessary. This also raised the question as to how these stroke patients are able to control their so-called phantom limbs.

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