Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Are artist crazy?

Usaully artist are seen as cooky people or someone with lack of strong structure. An its easy to see why some think that with popular artist such as Francis Bacon, Van Gogh, and Dali. but how wuld we know if there crazy or just putting a show or when there behavoir gets consumed by these charades. then when will an of this be descernable? Like Franci Bacon who in person is an interesting person, but is this really him or was this a show thats simply become a pat of him that he ever forgot if he was anything else. Which has me ask " can someone truly change who they are"? some say know no but we know our mind for being constructive so is it more of theory or possibity?


linnea said...

Their are sane artists, however artists usually think different when they have a spark of creativity. just becuase somebody might be on a different track dosnt mean their mentally unstable

Cat said...

I think that artists just have a different way of thinking, and maybe they were sparse in number, which accredited them to being "weird." I, personally don't view them as being weird, maybe that's biased, but others shouldn't either. Just because they react to different things in a way another person doesn't shouldn't make them labeled as being kooky.

Amber said...

Artists are usually such character, however it seems that some individuals can change their personilities. I think most of the times, artists get this label oof being weird because they try to differeniciate themselves and become individuals apart from society.